This article is to introduce one of the best secure cloud and email and collaboration solutions in the market.
Let’s relook at the cybercrime stats
Globally 30,000 websites are hacked daily
Globally, 64% of companies have experienced a cyber attack.
20 million breaches recorded in March 2021.
In 2020, ransomware cases grew by 150%.
Email is responsible for 94% of all malware.
24,000 malicious mobile apps are blocked daily on the internet
Every 39 seconds, a cyber attack happens on the web, that is predicted to increase to one every 11 seconds in the future.
So what is the solution?
We are rolling out the next level in email protection called Avanan.
What is Avanan?
Avanan is the only API solution that connects to both Google Work space and Office 365 to prevent malicious emails from reaching the inbox
Unlike other solutions, Avanan protects your data beyond email to the rest of your cloud suite including file sharing and collaboration apps such as MS teams, Share Point and One Drive.
Avanan sits in front of your email accounts and scans all inbound and outbound traffic. Best of all, it works as an additional shield around your email.
How is it different to other solutions?
Unlike other solutions that scan your email once it is in your email account, Avanan works like a shield with multiple scanning and quarantine engines – in front of your email, reducing spam, virus and malware by more than 90%
Other features of Avanan
Shadow I.T. – so you can see what apps your staff are using.
Better security – across MS Teams, Share Point and One Drive
Impossible travel detection
Configurable rule sets for I.T administration staff
Scheduled reporting
Question for you
- Are you constantly worried about opening email – double, triple checking headings and who it is from?
Are you tired of the amount of crap email you receive every day? – Having to “move to SPAM” each and every time?
After all the time that is wasted, SPAM mails STILL somehow make it through to your inbox AGAIN?
Confused about telling apart the real and bogus emails that request you to change email?
If the answer is yes to any of these, then please reach out so we can help you.